Wednesday 12 August 2015

Erin Writes #4 The Fosters

Just when you thought I would stop talking about The Fosters, I come back with a whole post about it. But this isn't going to be me talking about how great the show is or the fact that I ship Jonnor like there's no tomorrow. This is, finally, another Erin Writes post. I made this series when I first started blogging and since then have only written three posts on it. There have been various different reasons as to why I only did three but more recently it was due to my complete lack of inspiration. I went for around two months without writing a single word for any of my books. It didn't bother me too much though until I started watching The Fosters when I realised how long it had been since I had written. 

It's hard to really know why but The Fosters has helped me to be inspired again when it comes to writing. I began to look at a few new ideas and to adapt some old ones. Starting with a book I finished writing over a year ago. My dad has read this (which was scary for me because I never let anyone see my writing) and he gave some advice on how I could improve it. For a while I struggled because it's difficult for me to change things when I already have a clear idea of them in my head. Meaning that when the words were written in front of me, I couldn't imagine them being any different. Now I don't see it that way any more. I can see ways to improve because when I watch The Fosters that's what I do. To be honest, I don't think the script or stories in the show live up to what they could be (and I feel pretty bad saying that because I love it so much). So when I watch it, I like to think of ways those things could be changed and I also like to think of different ways the show could go from it's current situation. When I get obsessed with a show, I do this stupid thing where I give myself a character. It's probably a really weird thing to do but I like to develop this fictional person into a real, rounded character. I'll think of how they fit into a story with the other characters even if it is a very weak link, it's still something I do. Because I've been doing this, I find I can relate the creativity to my editing and writing. 

Currently there are a whole lot of film ideas flying around my head. I feel like I can understand dialogue better because I recognise when, in The Fosters, the script is weaker or stronger. This may also be related to the fact that I've started Psychology and Sociology which is learning about understanding mind and behaviour, and behaviour in groups. Because if this, I've found it much easier to write because I have more confidence writing scripts myself. In the past I have thought of film ideas, created a story and characters but thought I'd leave the rest to someone else. Now I actually have a full, planned out idea that I quite like. I've worked on clips of dialogue and do think I could now develop that into a full script. 

When I was writing this, it felt like I was bragging a little bit and trying to make it seem like I was great at it all. I'm not. I know that I'm not. It's just that I'm getting better than I was. And now I actually have constructive, positive thoughts in my head instead of false optimism. Today I thought that maybe I was the happiest I've ever been. It was just a passing idea and it wasn't true but right now I don't see this ending soon. I can't remember a time when I've considered this whole life thing might go well. Maybe that is false optimism but I don't really care. It feels pretty great

The end there was a little strange. Just wanted to mention it I guess. That's all for now, hope to see you next time. Bye


  1. amazing blog post !!!

    I have shared :) would love a comment on my new video

