Sunday 11 January 2015

Erin Writes #2 Inspiration

This month the group I am apart of, the Beau Bloggers, have a theme of inspiration so I thought I would write about the things that inspire me to write. Inspiration is found everywhere in life and one small thing can come from all different places of inspiration making creations extra beautiful.

I think the place I find most inspiration is just in the world around me. Usually I will come up with ideas while walking down the street or watching the world go by out my window. By seeing what goes on around me I can picture situations in my head that would work in a story I write. That can make a story feel more real or believable. 
Last summer my family and I went on holiday to the Isle of Man (for my niece's christening) where I did a lot of writing. It was just a very relaxing and wonderful place that was so inspiring as it was a location I could use in my writing.   

Secondly, I find that people will often inspire what I write. When creating a character, it's good to use people you know as a starting point for them. This can be their appearance, personality, the way they speak or move. For me I think this is important but it's also important to not have one character who is exactly the same as someone you know. 

As I spend most of my life on the internet or watching TV, that can be a main source of inspiration. On Pinterest, I see a lot inspiring quotes or pictures which can give an idea for scenes or bits of speech. This can also come from TV shows or films that I watch.
I don't know why but this drawing I found on Pinterest was the inspiration for a whole chapter of the last story I was writing.
These were a few of things that inspire me to write, comment below some things that inspire you. I am currently working on a story that doesn't have a name yet and I've nearly finished chapter five of the first draft. So far I think it's going okay and I'm pretty happy with it. That's all for now, hope to see you next time. Bye


  1. This is such a lovely post. I agree, the internet is a great source of inspiration and you can always find things you need on it xxx
