Sunday 22 February 2015

Depression- A Tumblr Post

I have not been good at posting recently. I missed about three opportunities in the past two weeks when I could have written but I just didn't. I don't know why. Today I won't be writing anything too big I just wanted share with you a post I found on Tumblr a few days ago about depression. 
You can see the post here.   
I wanted to share this because what is said is a group of points I completely agree with. The post is about what to do if someone you love has depression and in the notes people have added more points. This is just something I wish the people who are currently in my life and those who used to be could read. I feel like it explains the way people suffering will act very well. During this time, for me, I've noticed that I'm not a good friend or great person to be around and I think an important point to make is that if people truly are your friend, that won't change anything. This has been something I really struggle with and I've lost a lot of friends because of it. 

It would be great if you could read this and if you who someone with depression, follow what is said. Sorry it's a short post today. (You can follow my Tumblr here which is just a random mix of anything I find interesting) That's all for now, hope to see you next time. Bye


  1. I really like this post, Its ok. I have let my blog go a little bit in the past couple of weeks. But the minute I found new inspiration I just take off and start writing post after post.

    Stay Strong. Post when your ready.


    1. Thank you. I've been letting myself down with the blog posts but I felt I had to write this one. Hope you're okay too xx
