Tuesday 26 August 2014

26th of August 2014

Hello internet.
   I'm Erin and this is The Art Of Being Invisible. I've been wanted to create this blog for a really long time but felt like I've never had much to say. Quite honestly I still don't but after gaining inspiration from Ben Cook's Becoming YouTube, I decided I should. I first wanted to create a YouTube channel but I don't feel I have the confidence to stand in front of a camera let alone upload a video to the internet. 

  So basically, like every other blogger out there, I created this because right now I'm in a pretty bad place and need some kind of escape. I thought that seen as the majority of my life is spent on the internet, it will be a good place to go. (Plus I was bored.)

 I guess I should probably explain now- This is The Art Of Being Invisible where I'm going to talk about pretty much anything. I plan to talk about the books, films and TV shows you may enjoy. Hopefully help with problems you may be facing and giving life updates along the way. 

 So that's all for now, hope to see you next time. Bye


  1. Great post!


  2. I tagged you to do the summer tag, check it out here: http://louleecutie.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/the-summer-tag.html
