I was nominated by two amazing people to do the Blog Tour Award. They were Lou's World and Izzy K (you can go to there award posts by clicking on their names). This was actually meant to be posted on a specific Monday but because I had two I decided to ignore that rule and post on a Wednesday. Sorry about that. I actually just didn't have any ideas of what else to write today and I was excited to do this.
The Rules:
1. Pass the tour onto at least four other bloggers
2. Give your nominees the rules and specify the Monday in which they should post their nomination answers
3. Answer the four questions about your creative process, which allows other bloggers and visitors to understand what inspires you to do what you do.
4. Compose this one-time post on a specific Monday (date TBC by your nominator)
Lets forget it's not Monday and pretend that I am following the rules and start with the questions.
1. How does your work differ from others in your genre?
This one is difficult for me because I'm not completely sure what genre I'd be considered. If I had to think of one, I'd say lifestyle which I think will differ with every blog you find. My work is different because the life I have is different. And of course, the way I write and the details of my life I chose to share. But I think that will be the same answer for everyone.
2. How does your writing/ creative process work?
Most of time I'll have an idea which has come from something I've read or seen on TV that I write down in one of my many notebooks, usually in the middle of the night because that seems to be when my brain works best. And I'll think of points I want to make or sometimes I'll write out the whole post and then on the day of posting I'll type it up. Then I make changes or decide to throw away an idea completely if it's not good enough. But other times I will just write down a title of a blog post and then decide where it's going when I come to write it.
3. Why do you write and create what you do?
Writing has always been a huge part of my life and being creative is something I loose sometimes. For me, blogging keeps that part of me stable. It's something I can look back on and see how I improved. It's an escape so when the world doesn't go the way I'd imagined, I write about it. Being able to write about myself makes me feel heard even if no one is actually listening. I blog for myself. So that I can feel better but one day I'd like to reach a point where I'm blogging for other people too. Other people who care about what I have to say. Because it's never really felt like anyone did.
4. What are you working on at the moment?
This month I have actually been doing VEDA (video every day in August) which has gone quite well. I decided not to upload any of that to YouTube because, like I said before, at the moment this is for me. I'm currently editing a book I wrote and trying to write a film script (I went into detail about all this in my Erin Writes post here). With blogging, I have a lot of ideas but I think I'm struggling at the moment because I'm focussed on my working towards not being super depressed again. That, for me, has to come first now.
I would like to nominate all the Beau Bloggers who have not done this yet because they're all great. That includes two wonderful blogs: Ezzlepops and Wait What OK. I don't think they've done this award yet but hopefully they will now. I won't set a date for it to be done seen as I didn't follow that, sorry again.
Thank you again to Lou's World and Izzy K who nominating me, I loved writing this. That's all for now, hope to see you next time. Bye
Aww this post is fantastic. I read it all the way through (obviously) and loved all your answers xxx
Haha, thank you so much xxx
DeleteI love your answers and it's so cute to do a VEDA just for you! Really lovely answers x x x
Aw thank you x x x