Friday, 14 August 2015

Isle of Man 2015

On Sunday the 9th of August my mum and I drove down to Heysham to get the ferry to the Isle of Man. Driving there was quite stressful because we were scarily close to missing the boat and my brother and dad were supposed to be coming with us but couldn't in the end. But we did get there, the boat didn't sink, and the dog wasn't seasick so all was good . Today I thought I would show you some of the pictures I took while we were there. 
It was a very grey day but this is the Isle of Man as we were getting closer on the boat there.

On our first full day there we went to Port Erin which was probably my favourite part of the holiday and the whole place. On the left of this picture you can see the remains of the old swimming pool that I actually never knew was there the two other times I've visited. 
In Port Erin my mum and I went for a walk around the hills next to the sea. We didn't realise at first but the path we were walking on had been closed for nine years because it was unsafe and had only opened a few weeks before. I'd like to say that we walked to the top to see that castle type building but this picture was taken just as we turned around to walk back.
The Port Erin Royal is an old hotel and I've taken a picture of it every time we've been there. It's got worse as the years go on and I'm not sure they're going to ever use it for anything again. Everything else is just little things around the area including a boat, a lighthouse with no light, and a well (it has some important history but I don't understand it). Whenever we've been there before, we'd take a lot of pictures of all the shops and signs because they all have Erin in the title which is exciting for me.
You can go here to see my 8 photos of happiness post which featured two pictures two years apart of my family on this wall. It was a lot lonelier this year.
On the second day we walked around Dhoon Glen and got very lost. Looking through these pictures makes me realise that they will never go the place justice because it was amazing and I don't know how you explain that when you're not seeing it at the time.
On the last day we went to the Calf of Man before going to Peel where we spent the day with my brothers girlfriends parents and my niece. And then, at around seven we had to get the boat home which I actually quite enjoyed even though it took about three or four hours. What I didn't enjoy was the two hour drive after that.
I had a really great time in the Isle of Man and the reason we go there is because it's where my eldest brother lives. We don't see him, his girlfriend or their daughter very often and when we do it's because they're over here so it's nice getting to them where they live. On the Tuesday my dad flew over and he got to spend a day of the holiday with us and it was all just great. 

Last week I wrote about my holiday to Market Bosworth and this one will conclude the holiday posts for the year. That's all for now, hope to see you next time. Bye


  1. Aww these photos are so lovely and really beautiful. I hope you had a wonderful time because it looks like you did xxx

    1. Thank you so much. I had a great time xxx
