Saturday, 19 November 2016

The Sunshine Blog Award

I was nominated for The Sunshine Blog Award by the wonderful Lou's World. You can find her post here. First I would like to say thank you and everyone should definitely go check out her blog because it's one of my favourites. 

The Rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog in your post
2. Answer the 11 questions that your nominator has asked you
3. Nominate 11 blogs to receive the award
4. Come up with 11 questions to ask the bloggers you have nominated
5. List the rules and include the sunshine blogger award logo in your post

Lou's World Questions:

1. Where do you want to be this time next year?
  In my second year at college and hopefully making more videos. By then I think I'd like to have had a haircut and I definitely want to have read more books. If the past few weeks have taught me anything, it's that I want learn more and do more for the things I believe in. In a years time, I hope I'll have done that. 

2. Who is the most important person in your life right now?
  My parents. I get two people because I can't just choose one. 

3. Who is your favourite blogger/vlogger right now?
  Hazel Hayes.  

4. If you could create a superhero, what would you name them and what would their powers be? 
  Bobbie who can talk to rabbits. (I just want to know what my rabbit is thinking and I think Bobbie is a cute name which kind of relates to rabbits)

5. What video always makes you smile? Link it to make someone else smile!
  Who's Billy Goat is This?- 
  or Texting Random People with Daniel J Layton

6. What was the last movie you watched? What did you think of it?
  Gremlins which was great, obviously. 

7. What cancelled TV show would you bring back for one more season?
  Firefly. The first season and the film are perfect already but I do miss that show. (But if Girl Meets World gets cancelled then I definitely want another season of that.)

8. If you could be in a movie or TV show (as yourself), which would you most fit into?
  This is such a difficult question because I would be terrible in pretty much all the shows I like. I guess I'd probably say the film X+Y just because of the autism and the maths. 

9. What's your favourite song of all time? 
  Another incredibly difficult question. My favourite song changes all the time but if I had to pick one I think I'd say On My Own from Les Mis. 

10. If you had everything you've ever wanted, what would you be doing right now?
  At this moment, reading probably. In general, acting. In film or TV or theatre or all of the above. When I was younger, I knew that was what I wanted to do and life stuff got in the way. It's like my ideal what I want to do in life but I know it won't happen. 

11. If you had married your first celebrity crush, who would you be married to right now?
  Freddie Benson from iCarly. And now I'm very disappointed that isn't true. 

Nominations and Questions:

I'll be honest. I don't know that many bloggers and most of the people I would nominate were already nominated. So I know this isn't the rules but I'd like to double nominate all the people who already were by Lou's World and encourage you to go check them out because they're great. As were these questions which hopefully they will all answer. It sucks that I'm giving up at this point but I'm nothing if not a disappointment. So what I am going to do is share a few of the Sunshine Blog Award posts I've enjoyed and I hope you like them too.

A Tolkienist's Perspective

Again I'd like to say thank you for the nomination. Everyone needs to have a read of Lou's World I genuinely love her blog and writing this post gave me the push and the motivation to get back here. So thank you.


  1. Awh thank you so much for nominating me! I also need to find some more Blogs to read. Not sure where to find them! x

    1. You're welcome, I love your blog. It is difficult to find more blogs, I don't know where to look either x
