Thursday, 9 July 2015

8 Photos of Happiness

Last week I was tagged by the completely amazing Lou's World to do the eight photos of happiness tag. You can her post here which is great and you should definitely check it out. The tag was created by Ariel who also has wonderful blog.

 The rules of this tag are:

Thank your nominator and link them in the post
Link the creator Ariel
Post 8 photos of happiness (the photos can be anything that represents a moment, object, place or feeling that makes you happy)
Pop in a brief description of the photo, why you chose it or let the photos do the talking!
Spread the happiness and tag up to ten other bloggers!

This post is a little strange for me because I've never shown a picture of myself on this blog before so I'm a little nervous. Before I felt I could deny that this blog is mine if someone I know were to find it but now I can't so never mind. I think it'll be better that way. When looking through them, I noticed that my hair is straight all the time but in reality it is a big, curly mess which is misleading but great for me. I guess that's all I needed to say so lets look at the pictures.

Of course I had to start with Eddie, the main source of happiness in my life. This photo was taken the first day we got him which was just the best day! He was so tiny and fluffy and he still makes me just as happy as he did then.

There were quite a few pictures to chose from of my trip to the Lake District last year but to me this one stood out for some reason. I went on this trip with my two friends and we aren't really close any more but I still remember it as this amazing holiday. It meant a lot to me to be in this beautiful place with my two best friends and I wish it could have happened again. (Also, you can't tell how small I am in this picture)

My brother and I aren't that close and we like each other in the way most siblings like each other, which is that we don't. But I do think he's pretty great and we spend quite a bit time together which makes me happy. Just don't tell him that.

There are a lot of things wrong with these pictures (they just aren't great) but they were taken 2 years apart in the same spot. It is on Port Erin beach on the Isle of Man which is one of my favourite places and I just really love these pictures. Technically it two but I'm counting it as one. 

I feel like none of these pictures are good quality but it was dark so this one wasn't getting any better. In our old house at Christmas we made this cute little winter wonderland. You can't see properly, which is disappointing, but it looked great and to get in you had to go through a wardrobe  like in Narnia. It was amazing.

My books. I don't think this needs explaining.

Taking photos isn't something I do often but I do love it. And this was me the first time we went to the Isle of Man which was pretty great.

Even though I'd had my tonsils out a week before and couldn't eat any of this cake, it was still one of my favourite things I've made. I don't think we took enough pictures of this cake which is a little disappointing and most of my family thought it was a rabbit (it's not, its Totoro) but it was still good.  

Now, of course, I'm meant to tag people so I would like to tag: City of Glitter, Mixing Sugar and Salt, Wait What ok, and anyone who'd like to do this tag because I really enjoyed writing it so you should too. (Also, these three lovely people have wonderful blogs which you should definitely check out)

That's all for now, hope to see you next time. Bye


  1. All these things that bring you happiness are so cute. I'm also really happy for you that you've shared pictures of yourself, I'm sure it will actually bring you a lot of confidence about your blog. Besides, its definitely something you should be proud of if someone finds it xxx

    1. Thank you so much. It has made me feel a little more confident in my blog now, I may do something like this more often x

  2. OH. MY. GOSH . That cake is amazing !!!!! :D I love Totoro and I just can't get over how impressive that cake it is :) Wow , just wow !

    Loved this post :) I'd definitely like to see more of this sort of thing !

    lots of love, Marianne xxx

    1. Thank you so much, I was very proud of that one. And I glad you liked this post x

  3. ooh ooh ooh, I see Harry Potter in that bookshelf ;) x and WOW that cake's amazing! You are quite talented!

    1. Haha, of course Harry Potter is there. Thank you x

  4. That cake looks amazing!! And I love seeing the things that make you happy xx

  5. Wow you have a lot of books that I haven't read, I'm well Jel haha x I really like this tag, thank you for nominating me! <3
    Peace xp

    1. Haha, I do love my books but theres a lot I havent read. You're welcome,
      I'm glad you liked it x
