Tuesday, 10 February 2015

The Liebster Award 3

I have been nominated by Umaybe Beautiful, Just Another Girl, and SophieAliceInWonderland to do the Liebster award. I have already done this twice but seen as I loved writing the first two and this one will be a little different I thought I'd do it again. All three of these girls have amazing blogs that you should definitely check out by clicking on their names. 

Here are the questions given to me by Umaybe Beautiful:

1. If you could move to any place in the world, where would you go and why?
 I plan to write a post about this soon because I would like to move to Canada and I think my family would if we had the money. I'd like to go because I've heard really great things about Canada and they have a better Comic Con than we do. 
2. What is your favourite animal?
3. What was the last book you read?
 Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And other concerns) by Mindy Kaling.
4. What is your favourite song?
 This changes all the time but at the moment I'd say Breathe Me by Sia. This is because I saw my friend in a dance show last week where her solo was to this song and it was amazing (I may have cried a little). 
5. What is your favourite TV show? 
 Again, this changes all the time but at the moment I'd say Supernatural. 
6. If you were having a dinner party and could invite 6 famous people who would you chose?
 Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Misha Collins, Louise Pentland/Watson, Amy Poehler and Aubrey Plaza. 
7. What is your favourite season of the year and why?
 Autumn because it's my birthday and the weather is always a little cold and rainy which I like. 
8. What one word best describes your personality? 
9. If you only had three wishes what would they be?
 1-This is probably going to sound very cliche but I would say to stop war in the world (because war is a genuine fear of mine). 2- To have confidence just in general in life because I think having even a little bit more confidence could make my life so much easier. 3- For my parents to have the time and money for what they want in life because I know there's so much they want to do in life which they just can't .
10. What is your favourite post you've written?
 Depression- My Questions
11. What is your most prized possession?
 I'm not sure because I don't own anything that special. I don't have anything that was given to me when I was born and I've never been given a special gift for any reason so I don't know. 

Just Another Girl's Questions: 

1. If you could go to any concert/festival for free which one would you go to?
 I'd probably go and see McBusted again.
2. If you could only live with one make up for the rest of your life which one would you choose?
 I don't wear make up so I guess I wouldn't live with any for the rest of my life. 

3. What's your most precious item? And how did you get it?
 Again, I don't really have a most precious item and to me the most important thing I own is all my books which I either bought myself or was given. 
4. What is one thing you regret doing/look back and cringe at?
 There are just so many things and one that comes to mind is probably that in Primary School I would cry when ever there was a fire drill (where they test the alarm and get us to leave the building as practice for  if there's a real fire). That's something that really makes me cringe because it was so embarrassing. 
5. What's your favourite part of your body?
 This is maybe a little weird but I'd say my teeth. Even though they're far from being straight (I currently have braces) and they're not perfectly white, I still like them. 
6. If your life was a movie who would you want to play you/your family?
 Me- Chloe Moretz. Mum- Amy Poehler. Dad- Hugh Jackman. Sister- Miranda Cosgrove. Brother 1- Josh Peck, and Brother 2- Drake Bell. Not that any of these people are even slightly like my family in looks, nationality or age but because I think it would be quite an interesting film I'd personally want to see.
7. Favourite Quote?
 "Be careful who you open up to. Only a few people actually care, the rest are just curious." This isn't a very inspirational quote or anything and I don't know who said it but I thought it was very true. 
8. If you could star in any movie(new or old)which movie would you like to be in?
 Kiss Ass playing Hit Girl (even though I love Chloe Moretz for being HitGirl and she definitely would do it better than me). 
9. Where do you think the most beautiful place in the world is?
 I've not been to many places in the world so I'm not too sure but I imagine the right answer is just wherever Dan and Phil are. 
10. Your dream job as a child and your dream job now?
 As I child I wanted to be an actress and a singer. Now I'd like to be an author and work in Waterstones. 

Sophie Alice in Wonderland's Questions:

1. What is your biggest dream?
 I've talked about this before and it's a little strange. I'd like to have a book published and for Carrie Fletcher to read it. She doesn't even have to like it, just have read it. 
2. What makes you happy?
 Destiel moments, books, and listening to my dad talk about what makes him happy.
3. What made you start blogging?
 I wanted to start making YouTube videos but was too scared and blogging, to me, is the next best thing. I was going to give up at one point with my blog as well but I've just really loved writing it. 
4. Do you have any big talents? If so, what?
 Do you remember me describing myself as boring? Well this is where I prove that just a little, I literally have no talents at all. 
5. Describe your perfect holiday
 Going somewhere quiet where I won't see anyone I know. And not having plans to do much. 
6. Who is your celebrity boy and girl crush?
 Boy- Jack Howard and Girl- Emma Stone.
7. Do you believe in true love?
 I'm not too sure.
8. Which Disney movie would you want to live in most and why?
 Lilo and Stitch. I don't know why probably because of the aliens. 
9. What is your favourite thing to do at the weekend?
 Watch Netflix which is coincidentally my favourite thing to do on weekdays too. 
10. What is a weird fetish you have?
 I don't really know.
11. What are your pet hates?
 There are so many but I'd say the biggest is when people lie. Not when it's a big lie, that I can handle, I mean when people lie unnecessarily like when people say their phone died and that's why they didn't text back when they could have been honest and it wouldn't matter. 

 You can see my Liebster Award number one here and the second here. I nominate:

Carolyn's Simple Life
Lou's World
And anyone who would like to do it or who has already has, leave a link in comments and I will check it out. 
I know there is supposed to be 11 people I nominate but I struggled with finding people who haven't been nominated (which I know these people have but nevermind, they can be again) and I'm also running out of time to write this which is also why I'm asking the same questions from my other two Liebster Award posts (sorry).

My Questions:
1. Who was the first and last person you subscribed to on YouTube?
2. What's your favourite series of books?
3. Three people who inspire you?
4. What age are you most looking forward to being?
5. If you had a year to live, what would you do?
6. What song is stuck in your head?
7. Favourite line from that song?
8. Who's your OTP?
9. Perfect holiday
10. Do you believe in Ghosts?
11. What two things from your room would you save in a fire?

That's all for now, hope to see you next time. Bye


  1. I love reading all the answers and getting to know new bloggers :) great post! I did my first Liebster award the other day, would be great if you could check it out!xxx

    1. Me too and thank you :) I'll have a look at your post now xx

  2. Oh my god imagine if Dan and Phil played Drake and Josh in an episode ... holy crap, I think I'd faint. Or vice versa?! What if Drake and Josh did a Phil is Not on Fire video ... okay, I'm getting ahead of myself. Loved this post <3

    1. Thank you! And I think I need to change my answer to what is your biggest dream. My biggest dream now is to see Dan and Phil play drake and josh! This is literally the best idea x
